Welcome to Rachale’s Noms!

Welcome to my new blog. I also run Rachale’s Reads, a book blog, and you could say I’ve been bitten by the blog writing bug.
I am overweight, have been for many years and have finally decided to commit to losing weight. I’m not going to lie, I’ve been in this position before, and a couple of summers ago lost a couple of stone with Weight Watcher’s so I know I can do it. I have to admit I have put it back on again (as many yo-yo dieters do) but I know what caused me to put it on (psychologically I mean, obviously the cause was too much food) and I am in a ‘better place’ now, so I can refocus my efforts and reach my goals. I do have a wedding dress to purchase after all.

I thought I would start to blog about what I’m eating on my diet. I am still following the weight watchers plan and it got me thinking, I could eat 3 mars bars a day and that would leave me 2 points left using my existing allowance as a guide. Obviously this is a bad idea and not one I plan to follow. So it got me thinking about my previous choices of what I’ve been eating are not very inspired, yes they fall into my point allowance but have they been properly nutritionally good for me?
Also I want to get more into cooking proper meals for myself, I quite like cooking and have no problem if it’s for Simon and I, however when I’m on my own in the week, I don’t really cook myself anything properly from scratch, and it’s about high time I do. Also I love baking so if I could find a better way to bake some delicious treats, then all the better.
So I have started a blog to document my progress and also new recipes I am trying and how I’m adapting them to be better for me nutritionally as well as point-wise for the weight watchers plan.
Naturally while I am trying to lose weight, I still want to drink some nice wine, in moderation of course, so you will hopefully see some lovely wine pairings along with some of the recipes.

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