Progress or not?

It has been two weeks since I introduced this blog, and it’s still empty! It’s not that I have abandoned my diet, rest assured I am working on some recipes and still maintaining my goal of losing weight!
I have recently re-found my enthusiasm for the gym. After a few months it started feeling like a chore, much like my diet, but along with my new found enthusiasm for losing weight, I also had a gym session with my fiancé, Simon, which proved to be sort of a turning point.

I have been having at least one session a week with a friend for a few months and done my normal workout, but with Simon there was the competition factor. I NEEDED to go faster, further and be better than him. I refused to let him win, which he would easily as he is fitter than me generally, but the determination made me push myself and it has given me more drive to do so on my solo gym sessions. I can now go into a jogging speed on the treadmill (be it for brief intervals) rather than a very brisk walk, and even when not jogging, my overall speed has increased. My dream is to one day run a marathon, and while I realise I have a LONG LONG way to go, I can see that with time, I can get there!
So there is progress being made, at least psychologically. In the first week and a half since writing my blog post I lost 5 pounds, so it’s working. However, annoyingly at the weekend after that one and a half weeks, I had a wedding and another event to attend which obviously included a fair amount of bad food and alcohol, so sadly I’ve put most of it back on, but I think it will fall back off fairly quickly as I revert to my now what I consider normal diet.

So while evidential progress hasn’t been made, I think with my new found enthusiasm for the gym and me thinking more about what I put in my mouth on a day to day basis, psychologically I have progressed. There will always be days where I can’t quite stick to my plan, and it’s unfortunate that two fell on consecutive days, but I am sure that these won’t hold me back.

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