Progress or not?

It has been two weeks since I introduced this blog, and it’s still empty! It’s not that I have abandoned my diet, rest assured I am working on some recipes and still maintaining my goal of losing weight!
I have recently re-found my enthusiasm for the gym. After a few months it started feeling like a chore, much like my diet, but along with my new found enthusiasm for losing weight, I also had a gym session with my fiancé, Simon, which proved to be sort of a turning point.

Welcome to Rachale’s Noms!

Welcome to my new blog. I also run Rachale’s Reads, a book blog, and you could say I’ve been bitten by the blog writing bug.
I am overweight, have been for many years and have finally decided to commit to losing weight. I’m not going to lie, I’ve been in this position before, and a couple of summers ago lost a couple of stone with Weight Watcher’s so I know I can do it. I have to admit I have put it back on again (as many yo-yo dieters do) but I know what caused me to put it on (psychologically I mean, obviously the cause was too much food) and I am in a ‘better place’ now, so I can refocus my efforts and reach my goals. I do have a wedding dress to purchase after all.